Thou Fool

What does the Bible say about calling your brother a fool? (Matthew 5:22 KJV) “… but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.”

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The Hope of the Gospel or Presenting Yourself Perfect

Was Paul warning believers that they had to do something so that he could present them to be perfect in Christ Jesus? Absolutely not.

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Is Everything in the Bible True? The Answer May Shock You

Is everything in the Bible true? The answer is a definitive, NO!!! Yes, that’s right, NO!!! Not everything in the Bible is true.

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Feigned Faith of the Fathers

Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, warns Timothy about the dangers of turning aside from faith unfeigned. But what is faith unfeigned or unfeigned faith? What does turning aside from unfeigned faith actually mean? The opposite of unfeigned faith is feigned faith or fake faith. Webster’s 1828 dictionary defines feigned as, “to invent or imagine, to form an idea or conception of something not real. To make a show of; to pretend; to assume a false appearance; to counterfeit.”

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Christian Crap

The Apostle Paul had the right attitude about self-righteousness - dung. Yes, that's right. Dung is another word for crap and sh?t. Sadly, so many professing Christians are trained right back into a self-righteous attitude after they get saved.

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